Tax Specialists
Individuals, small businesses and large companies all need good, clear and simple tax advice. As a tax specialist, we help people understand the world of tax and making sure they are paying the right amount.
Our typical activities include:
Researching and understanding tax law
Meeting clients to gather information and explain options to them
Checking and completing tax forms
Auditing clients' tax records
Our Team
Areas of Practice
Incorporate your Business
IRS, FTB, EDD, BOE Representation
Tax Preparation
Tax Management Services (L.A. Office)
Covered California Agent (L.A. Office)
Notary Public (L.A. Office)
Insurance, Real estate and Income Tax Classes (L.A. Office)
Payroll Services
QuickBooks Accounting Help and Assistance
Software Developer
News & Publications
Jorge E Cano, Accountant & Senior Tax Consultant
Manuel J. Azcorra, Accountant & Tax Consultant
Jose Menjivar, Payroll Specialist
Sonia, Insurance Specialist
Gabino Villalobos, Software Developer, Network & Database Consultant
03/17/2016 Issue Number: IRS Tax Tip 2016-42
IRS Tax Tip 2016-42: Avoid Errors; File an Accurate Return
IR-2016-40: Consumer Alert: Scammers Change Tactics, Once Again. Watch the video.
God bless you,
you are an excellent Accountant, responsible, thank you for help me with my business matters!
Mrs. Norma S.